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Explain how these externalities happen, and what are the results.

Please watch https://video-alexanderstreet-com.offcampus.lib.washington.edu/watch/planet-re-think (Links to an external site.) available through the University of Washington library online (you can also find it on prime video). This video will be background information for further discussions on the environment and the economy. This video will be part of the study material covered in the first class quiz.

Watch Planet Rethink and review class slides to answer the following:

1) Which non-renewable resources are the focus of the Planet Rethink documentary?

2) Describe in detail where these resources come from now- why are these resources found in areas where they haven’t been exploited in the past?

3) List and explain four different types of externalities described in Planet Rethink. Explain how these externalities happen, and what are the results.


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