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Calculate the budgeted dining room revenue and food cost dollars for the month.

Budgeting Revenues and Cost of Sales

A resort hotel has a dining room that has no business from street traffic; it is dependent solely on the occupancy of its rooms for its sales revenues. It has 150 rooms. During the month of June, it expects 80% occupancy of those rooms. Because the resort caters to families, there is on average three people per occupied room per night. From past experience, management knows that 95% of the people occupying a room eat breakfast, 25% eat lunch, and 75% eat dinner in the hotel’s dining room. The dining room is open seven days a week for all three meals. Its average meal prices and food cost percentages are:


Meal PeriodAverage Food CheckFood Cost %


Calculate the budgeted dining room revenue and food cost dollars for the month of June, show all your work. Please use an Excel Worksheet to do so.


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