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Experience with Theology Essay.

Experience with Theology Essay

As you start your course in the discipline of theology, keep in mind that some students may have already formally studied the topic of theology in an academic setting whereas for others this could be their first academic interaction with the topic. However, as has been said, everyone is a theologian because everyone has thoughts about God. The question is whether or not a person is a faithful theologian. How do you form your thoughts of who God is and what God does? Is it your past experiences? The Bible? Perhaps there is something else that forms your thoughts. These are important questions and considerations that will be explored throughout the course.

For this essay, you will be asked to write a 600-word essay answering the following 3prompts:

  1. When you hear the word theology, what comes to your mind? (200 words)
  2. What experience have you had in your past with the study of theology? (200 words)
  3. Besides a passing grade, what do you hope to take away from this course over the next 8 modules/weeks? (200 words)

Refer to the “Course Policies” in the course syllabus for the formatting expectations in this course.

Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 1.



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