Resources need to be dated between 2015-2020
Presentation of Research
Evaluators should expand upon considerations of research rigor and also be mindful of the larger context in which they are working. Evaluators should be mindful of the effect evaluations have on policy making. To ensure that evaluation results are useful, evaluators should consider how their findings can be used to inform program and clinical practice from the beginning of their research.
Guidelines for maximizing utilization of evaluation include:
Evaluators should understand the cognitive styles of decision makers. A way to achieve this is to tailor reports to the specific audience(s).
Evaluation results must be timely and available when needed.
Evaluations must respect stakeholders program commitments. The usefulness of evaluations depends on wide participation in the evaluation design process to ensure sensitivity to various stakeholders interests.
Utilization of dissemination plans should be part of the evaluation design, this include short and long-term recommendations.
Evaluators and decision-makers must share an understanding of the purposes of the study and agree on the criteria by which successful use of the findings may be judged.
(Rossi, Lipsey, & Freeman, 2004, p. 416)
For this Discussion, you reflect on how evaluations can be used, who are the stakeholders, what methods will you use in your evaluation, and how will you disseminate your results to ensure that your recommendations are adequately considered.
Post by Day 4 a brief summary of your Clarksville program.
Then describe how you might present your process and outcomes evaluation results to stakeholders associated with your Clarksville program.
Identify two of the stakeholders and describe how you might present negative results to each type of stakeholder in a constructive manner.
Provide suggestions on how these findings can be used in the program and whether you believe that the suggested changes are likely to be implemented.
My Clarksville Project:
Clarksville is the fifth-largest city in the Montgomery County, Tennessee with a population reported of 132,963 in the U.S Census in 2010 and predicted to be around 146,806 in 2014 (United State Census Bureau, 2015). The small city is growing concern due to its ever increasing crime rates which is a total of 5,061 (Annually) out of which 750 incidents are recorded as highly violent instances. Which are broadly 543 assaults; 6 are murder cases, 84 rape cases, and 115 robbery cases. According to our research of Tennessee and other state lists there were 187 registered sex offenders living in Clarksville, Tennessee as of August 31, 2015. The reported numbers for sex offender with respect to sex offenders is 762 to 1 (, 2015).
Domestic violence is referred to as abusive behavior displayed in any relationship that is part of the nature or dominance of one partner to dictate or drive terms over the other intimate partner. There are various types of domestic violence be it physical, economic, sexual, psychological, and influential power play. It is started off by injuring, manipulating, isolating, terrorizing, threaten, blaming, torturing and coercing. The city is quite high on crime rates even after the city is known as an industrial city (, 2015).
There is the need to mobilize the community to prevent domestic violence. The community would be encouraged to strengthen informal social networks. These networks consist of family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and other religious, civic, and community ties. Domestic violence intervention strategies focus on strengthening existing informal social networks or developing new ones through volunteer, peer support, and mentorship programs. These strategies focus on building healthy relationships to prevent violence from occurring, reduce isolation so that problems can be more quickly identified, and encourage community members to support one another in promoting nonviolence.
The law enforcers do not get proper information and mostly people withdraw the complaint saying it was a mistake and therefore the guilty are not brought to justice, the suppression causes the concern to grow. Support group and other methods of assistance need to be shared. Community groups are there to protect child care and other supports. So an awakening is needed to prevent such abuse in the name of comfort. Various shelters are already part of the program that is being done by the government itself (U.s Department of Housing and Urban Development).