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Minimum length 3-5 double-spaced pages
In Times New Roman size 12 Font, 1 inch margins on all 4 sides.
*Papers that do not follow the requirements will not be accepted.

 Write a reflective essay that demonstrates your understanding of the concepts presented in readings, videos and discussions in class. Establish some connections between the historical processes and challenges faced in Latin America and the world today.
 You may write the essay in 1st or 3rd person, asking yourself, what did I learn?
 Consider the following:
– Global implications of European explorers’ arrival to the Americas.
– Impact of colonization of the New World on the indigenous people, human rights, culture,
language, religion, racism, gender issues, division of labor and wealth, stereotyping, identity,
colonial migration, and resistance.
– African presence and contributions in Spain and in the Americas.
– Taíno cultures and societies.
– Latin America’s contributions to the world.
– United States colonization of Puerto Rico, colonial migration, Puerto Ricans as a divided
commuter nation, and Puerto Rico’s current political status.
– United States intervention in Latin America, and some of the resulting challenges faced in such
regions today.
– Banana Republics, corporations and globalization. – Culture and identity as roads of resistance.


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