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Argument Reconstruction and Anaysis Assignment

Reconstruct and critically analyze a section or passage of Russon’s “Between Two Intimacies” (will be given). Reconstruction and analysis should consist of three parts. In the first you should present the argument in premise-conclusion form, always paraphrasing so that the argument is in your own words. In the second, you should explain the argument and its conclusion in its paragraph form, using direct quotation, but sparingly. In the third, you should analyze the strength of the argument as you’ve presented it, highlighting its weakest points, and considering possible counter-arguments. Fourth, list a question or comment that you could ask Russon (This can come from what you wrote about in section 3)
So: Part 1 Present the argument in premise conclusion form.
Part 2: Explain the argumnet in paragraph form.
Part 3: Critically evaluate the argumnt as youve restated it.
Part 4: List one question or comment that you have for Russon
identify the conclusion of the passage you

There are two main challenges in parts 1 and 2. The first is to accurately identify the conclusion of the passage you’ve chosen (This is the central point that the writer aims to prove or establish) The second is to accurately represent the arguments structure – the way that is that the author proves or thinks he proves his conclusion.

In the third action, all that is necessary is to assess the arguments main strengths and weakness. You do not have to reach and defend an ultimate conclusion concerning the arguments soundness.


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