The final project is an opportunity to gain greater understanding of the use of events in the public relations industry. Using the concepts from the textbook, you may either research and write a marketing plan or analyze the marketing of an event they have an interest in analyzing. You will either create a hypothetical event and create the marketing plan for it, use an existing event and analyze how it is marketed. In looking at an existing event, you should analyze what the event planners are doing in their marketing and then add how you may improve or alter what they are doing.
In completing the project, you should review chapters 11, 12, and 13 from the textbook as well as the chapter and PowerPoint materials titled “Marketing and Sales in Meetings and Business Events” and “Public Relations” posted under the resources and materials tab. These readings cover marketing, public relations, promotions, and sales initiatives so all of these areas should be discussed and analyzed in your project.
The paper should be at least 13 pages in length which includes a cover page, table of contents, and a resources page. Other items in the paper should be an executive summary, a background or business overview, a discussion of the concepts involved in marketing, promoting, and publicizing the event; and the sales initiatives at the event. You may include appendices which can be used to show sample advertisements, press releases, and so on. At least ten of the pages should contain content which analyzes and discusses your topic.
Because this project reflects business writing, the paper should be formatted using Chicago style using endnotes. The paper must utilize five sources to show the topic was researched outside of the textbook. The sources may come from non-academic resources such as newspapers, magazines, or online resources.