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Would it be advisable for the firm to set up a procedure for screening out accident-prone individuals? How should they do so?


The New Safety Program

Employees safety and health are very important matters in the laundry and cleaning business. Each facility is a small production plant in which machines, powered by highpressure steam and compressed air, work at high temperatures washing, cleaning, and pressing garments, often under very hot, slippery conditions. Chemical vapors are produced continually, and caustic chemicals are used in the cleaning process. High-temperature stills are almost continually cooking down cleaning solvents in order to remove impurities so that the solvents can be reused. If a mistake is made in this process like injecting too much steam into the still a boilover occurs, in which boiling chemical solvent erupts out of the still and over the floor, and on anyone who happens to be standing in its way. As a result of these hazards and the fact that chemically hazardous waste is continually produced in these stores, several government agencies (including OSHA and the Environmental Protection Agency) have instituted strict guidelines regarding the management of these plants. For example, posters have to be placed in each store notifying employees of their right to be told what hazardous chemicals they are dealing with and what the proper method for handling each chemical is. Special waste-management firms must be used to pick up and properly dispose of the hazardous waste. A chronic problem the Carters (and most other laundry owners) have is the unwillingness on the part of the cleaning/spotting workers to wear safety goggles. Not all the chemicals they use require safety goggles, but some like the hydrofluoric acid used to remove rust stains from garments are very dangerous. The latter is kept in special plastic containers, since it dissolves glass. The problem is that wearing safety goggles can be troublesome. They are somewhat uncomfortable, and they become smudged easily and thus cut down on visibility. As a result, Jack has always found it almost impossible to get these employees to wear their goggles.


1. How should the firm go about identifying hazardous conditions that should be rectified? Use the website listed below to list at least 10 possible dry-cleaning store hazardous conditions according to OSHA


Would it be advisable for the firm to set up a procedure for screening out accident-prone individuals? How should they do so?

How would you suggest the Carters get all employees to behave more safely at work? Also, how would you advise them to get those who should be wearing goggles to do so?


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