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How can you become an ally for the community or population that you completed the community assessment on?

Bevel Up do you believe the street nurses effectively accomplished establishing a trusting and caring relationship with their patients

Here is the link to use to watch the video http://hscmediasite.unm.edu/mediasite/Play/57a0fe8… and answer the following questions after watching the video

  1. After viewing the video Bevel Up do you believe the street nurses effectively accomplished establishing a trusting and caring relationship with their patients?
  2. In your opinion is the work being done by the street nurses wrong or right and why?
  3. Is it important for public health nurses to be viewed as allies in the communities they are working with?
  4. How can you become an ally for the community or population that you completed the community assessment on?

Question 4 relates to the project u completed on the homeless community so thats good .Its a discussion so be elaborate as much as possible when answering questions


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