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Instructions for Self-Care Assessment and Plan

Part I

Discover: It is important that holistic nurses use self-assessments and other tools to determine wellness strengths and weaknesses. The objective of the first part of this assignment is for students to evaluate personal health and well-being using the Integrative Health and Wellness Assessment (IHWA) tool. The IHWA wheel has eight components that are in constant interaction. Self-reflection and self-awareness are essential to recognizing balance/imbalance and harmony/disharmony. The student will complete the IHWA (36 Likert-style questions) and the score sheet indicating readiness to change, priorities for making a change, and confidence in making a change.

Dream: It is important to take care of ourselves and to take care of others in a holistic way. Students will develop an action plan by identifying TWO proposals for change to improve personal health and well-being over the next 6 weeks. New health goals should include health promotion activities and/or healing modalities identified in the course textbook or in online materials. Students are encouraged to be open to trying something new. Students should explore both the art and the science behind the modality being used.

APA title page
Discussion of personal assessment (not necessary to include full IHWA tool)
Attach completed Assessment Sheet (p. 709)
Action plan for two health goals – be specific
References minimal 2

Part I should be 5-7 pages in length. The paper should be 1650 words long


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