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Email Assignment

Choose one of the scenarios below and post your response in the e-mail template on page three of the assignment sheet.
For the past five years, you have successfully run your own ad agency. While the majority of your clients are major clothing retailers such as H&M and ZARA, you have also donated your time, effort and resources to develop the ad campaign for Dove’s Social Mission.  Recently, you have been approached by Jeffery Luzor from Abercrombie & Fitch.  Due to your exceptional reputation in selling clothes, Abercrombie & Fitch wants your company to develop an ad campaign that reflects their company values and target market toward the “cool kids”. However, due to the recent comments by its CEO Mike Jeffries regarding its target market, the limited size options it offers to its female customers, and the recent extension of Jeffries’ contract as CEO, you feel that a business relationship with Abercrombie & Fitch would conflict with your company values and your client relationships. Write an e-mail response to Jeffery Luzor refusing the request to develop an ad campaign. Ensure that your refusal also maintains goodwill.

Starbucks has selected your company to develop an ad campaign for their new line of coffees, Starbucks Reserve Coffee.  In one week, you need to produce a presentation that highlights the ad strategy. After conducting some online research on the Internet and the company’s website, you need specific information about the selection process of the beans, the specific qualities of the soil in which they grow, and the process of the roasting, all of which ensures that it meets the criteria of the line. Your director has provided  “Joe Kaphay” as the contact at Starbucks for the information you seek. Write an e-mail to Joe Kaphay requesting the information you need to develop a compelling presentation.

You are the Associate Creative Director for Venture Communications and part of your duties is to sign off on work produced by the company’s copywriters. Recently, you have noticed some writing blunders in some of the advertising and promotional campaigns of clients, such as:
Mixing bowl set designed to please cook with round bottom for efficient beating
Dinner Special – Turkey $2.35; Chicken or Beef $2.25; Children $2.00
We only use the best Anus beef in our hamburgers.
These errors are costing time and patience of your clients as work needs to be sent back and corrected on a daily basis. If your staff proofread their work carefully, errors can be avoided allowing you to sign off the campaign. Write an e-mail to your copywriting staff providing at least five proofreading tips to eliminate writing blunders.

Ensure that your response to the scenario includes the following business communication criteria:
Receiver Benefits (where required) or Receiver’s Point of View
Positive and Tactful Tone
Contemporary Language
Simple and Informal Words
Concise Communication
In addition to the above criteria, you are responsible to determine the correct organizational pattern for your chosen scenario as well as ensuring the readability of your message: this includes the grammar and spelling as well as how the message appears on the screen. Thus, be sure you are familiar with the tools available to you in the toolbar of the textbox. If you need some assistance about the tools, you can ask me.
Use the title line as a subject line of your e-mail response and any of the tools available in the toolbar to help format your message accordingly.
As a communication subject, grammar and spelling can have a great impact on the evaluation. Please ensure that your e-mail message is free of grammar and spelling errors.
You may use any resource available, such as the textbook, online tools from Coursemate, credible internet sites and any additional yet relevant information (that you can make up) to help you compose your message. If you use information from the Internet, be sure you cite the source in your message.



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