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Compare and discuss latest 10K reports.

Analysis and Comparison of 10k Reports

At Least 250 Words- Cite Sources

Both companies have a BBB debt rating from Standard & Poor’s. This is the lowest investment grade rating and indicates that both companies have been aggressive with growth, finance, and Treasury Stock purchases.

  • Discuss the differences in strategy related to business growth, finance, and Treasury Stock purchases.
  • Compare and discuss latest 10K reports
  • Discuss the similarities in strategy.
  • Discuss any strategy recommendations for Choice Hotels’ management.

Choice Hotels SEC Filings (10k) https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1046311/000104631120000011/chh1231201910-k.htm

Marriott International SEC Filings (10K) https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1048286/000162828020002376/mar-q42019x10k.htm


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