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Explain the concept of “Red Ocean Traps”, as highlighted in the article.?

Please read the case of AirAsia X, the article on Red Ocean traps, and watch the video.

Please answer the following questions. Please submit your answers prior to class.

1. Please explain the concept of “Red Ocean Traps”, as highlighted in the article.?

2. Building on the case of AirAsia X, which factors led to the success of AirAsia as it grew and expanded from Malaysia?

3. Which specific offerings for needed to be adjusted or newly provided when the company offered long-haul seervice?

Around 700-800 words

I have attached case AirAsia X in a file below. You can find the article on Red Ocean traps and watch the video by the links below:

https://hbr.org/2015/03/red-ocean-traps(Here is link for Article Red Ocean Traps)



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