Choose one of the following pairs of documents:
William Graham Sumner, “What Social Classes Owe to Each Other” (1883, Johnson #18-2) and Henry George, “An Analysis of the Crime of Poverty” (1883, Johnson #18-5);
Andrew Carnegie, “The Gospel of Wealth” (1889, Johnson #18-4) and Henry Demarest Lloyd, “Wealth against Commonwealth” (1894, Johnson #18-3); or
N.F. Thompson, Testimony before the Industrial Commission (1900, Johnson #20-4) and Samuel Gompers, Letter to the American Federationist (1894, Johnson #20-4).
Each of these document pairs represents some sort of conflict of viewpoints in a specific historical time period. For whichever pair you pick, write an introduction of one or two paragraphs explaining the historical context in which the conflict arose, using the Roark text as an information source. (No additional source material is required, and whatever you do, do not make use of Wikipedia.) Then, analyze the two documents in relation to each other, explaining each position and the reasoning behind it. The point is not who was right, but rather, what was the debate and how it fit in with the historical context of the times. Provide source citations, and use page numbers when quoting. Parenthetical citation form is all right, “like this” (Johnson, 32). For the full source citations at the end of the paper,