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1. APA format is required in constructing this paper..
2. Criteria: See rubric for scoring criteria.

Format: APA pages must be 8 ½” x 11″, typed with 1″ margins on all sides. The paper must be neatly typed, doubled-spaced, font in Times New Roman with font size 12 (11 font will be accepted). Staple final paper with only 1 staple, in the upper left hand corner (no folders, no paperclips, no plastic cover, and no dog ears.)

Organized: Title page has running head on the top left header of paper and pages are numbered in the top right header. The body of the paper should be a minimum of four (4) typed pages and maximum of six (6) typed pages. This does not include title page, outline, and reference list which are required. (More than six (6) pages will not be read). Papers not meeting this requirement will receive a grade of “0”. See below for order of submission.

Content: Topic is well-developed and complete. Prepare an outline prior to writing the paper. This outline will be included with the paper. The content of the paper must thoroughly address the topic and include research from the professional practice of nursing, the background, and a conclusion with a summary of the main ideas related to the selected topic. Verify grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation is correct. References must to be correctly cited using APA format.

References: Reference list using APA format with applicable citations. Students must include at least four (4) professional references (peer reviewed journal articles) published within the last five (5) years. Textbooks may not be used as part of the four (4) professional references. If you use a website, be sure to cite the “doi” or “url” address. This allows the reader to easily access the original document that you are referencing.

*Submit your research paper in the following order:
• Title page
• Outline (no table of contents and no abstract)
• The body of the research paper (minimum of 4 pages and maximum of 6 pages)
• References
• Attach the Scoring Rubric for Research Paper
Research Paper Rubric

Excellent Above Average Average Below Average Unsatisfactory Course Outcomes
Content Points: 5 Points: 4 Points: 3 Points: 2 Points: 0 1, 4
All content relevant to professional practice (i.e.: delegation, supervision or transition) comprehensive and in depth Most content relevant to professional practice, moderate depth Content relevant to professional practice, some depth Some content related to professional practice, little depth Content not relevant to professional practice, no depth

1, 4
Points: 5 Points: 4 Points: 3 Points: 2 Points: 0
Content accurate Most content accurate Some content relevant Little content Major error in content

1, 4
Points: 5 Points: 4 Points: 3 Points: 2 Points: 0
Sound background developed from concepts, theories and literature Background relevant to topic with moderate development Background relevant to topic with limited development Background relevant to topic with little development Background not developed nor supported

1, 4
Points: 5 Points: 4 Points: 3 Points: 2 Points: 1, 0
Current research synthesized and integrated in paper Current research synthesized, moderately integrated in paper Relevant research summarized with some integration in paper Little use of research in paper Limited to no use of research in paper used to support ideas

1, 4
Points: 5 Points: 4 Points; 3 Points: 2 Points: 0
Effective conclusion and integration of ideas in summary Effective conclusion with moderate integration of ideas in summary Adequate conclusion and good summary of main ideas Fair conclusion, with little integration of ideas Poor conclusion, no integration of ideas
Writing Style Points: 5 Points: 4 Points: 3 Points: 2 Points: 1, 0 1, 4
and Format Sentence structure clear, smooth transitions, correct grammar, punctuation and capitalization, no spelling errors Good sentence structure and transition, few (<3) grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling errors Adequate sentence structure and transition, some (<5) grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling errors Fair sentence structure and transition, multiple (>5) grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling errors Poor sentence structure and transition, numerous (>10) grammar, punctuation, capitalization and spelling errors

Points: 5 Points: 4 Points: 3 Points: 2 Points: 0
APA format throughout, 8”x11”, typed with 1” margin on all sides, double spaced, font is Times APA format throughout with minor errors, 8”x11”, typed with 1” margin on all APA format not followed consistently, typed, margins followed, doubled- space, font Inconsistent use of APA format, typed, margins followed, doubled- space, font APA format not followed, not typed, margins incorrect, spacing and font incorrect

Roman and font is size 12 sides, double spaced, font is Times Roman and font is size 12 incorrect, some spacing incorrect incorrect, some spacing incorrect
References Points: 5 Points: 4 Points: 3 Points: 2 Points: 0 l 4
References used appropriately in paper, references current, no errors in references, correct use of APA style for references References used appropriately in paper, references current, few errors in references, correct use of APA style for references References used appropriately in paper but limited, some citations or references current, with few errors in use of APA format style for references Several references and limited breadth, old references (not classic), several errors in use of APA style in references Few references and limited breadth, old references (not classic), multiple errors in use of APA style in references
Outline Points: 5 Points: 4 Points: 3 Points: 2 Points: 0 5
Outline present, ideas well organized includes multiple perspectives and new approaches Outline present, organization of main points, several perspectives considered Outline present, organization of main points and ideas, some alternate perspectives considered Outline present, little organization of main points. Little alternate perspective considered Outline poorly organized, ideas not developed adequately in paper, discussion not thorough
Professionalism Points: 5 Points: 4 Points: 3 Points: 2 Points: 0 1 5
Professional appearance of paper, all parts includes, length consistent with requirements Paper legible, few parts missing, length consistent with requirements Paper legible, some parts miss or too short/too long considering requirements Sections of paper illegible with missing parts or paper too short/ too long Unprofessional appearance, missing sections, paper too short/too long

Research paper grade:

Points earned = % earned for paper.


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