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Does behaviorism have anything important to say about personality in your opinion?

Behaviorist Personality View

Discossion board week 11

Remember this discussion cold be not more than 250 to 300 words.Sometimes the idea that, the environment may shape our personality, doesn’t sit well with students. Some behaviorists have taken the extreme view that personality is simply a by-product of the rewards and punishments we have received during our lives. It is difficult, however, to deny the substantial research that has shown that environmental factors are important determinants of behavior. What do you think about the behaviorist view of personality? How much influence do you thing conditioning has on our behavior and personality. Give an example of how you or someone you know was conditioned to behave in a particular way. Why do you think many people don’t want to believe the behaviorist view of personality? Does behaviorism have anything important to say about personality in your opinion?


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