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Explain core concepts/relevant information.

Interpersonal comunication paper

Write about an interpersonal concept of your choosing. How does interpersonal communication help us understand this phenomenon?It can be based on a discussion we’ve had in class, a topic you, or someone else presented for the article discussion, a theory, current event, or TED Talk. You will need to: 1) illustrate the topic. 2) Explain core concepts/relevant information. 3) identify an issue, problem, or something puzzling, perplexing, or interesting. 4) If necessary, propose a solution.

This assignment is to be 3-5 pages in length, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and APA format. You will need a minimum of five relevant sources.

Sample topics:

Current event(s)

What can communication studies tell us about civilian-law enforcement interactions?

Communication in romantic relationships

Communication in the classroom

Communication at work (organizational)

Parent-child communication

Patient-provider communication

The darkside of communication

Expectancy Violations Theory in practice

Communication Accommodation Theory in practice

A theory of your choice


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