What’s in a Name? Business Planning, Trademark Search
4.2 – Assignment: Company Name
Finding the perfect name…that no one else has!
Now that your work in Activity 4.1 is completed, your unique company name is ready to become a company asset! The next step is to see if you truly have a protectable unique name and it has not already been taken by another company. If there is another company using the name, you will not be able to register the name in the state or trademark the name with fully protectable rights for your company.
Remember to use the unique name you suggested in Activity 4.1.
The location of the business will be in south Florida. You must confirm that no one else in the same service industry state code has claimed and registered the same name. Variations or derivatives of a name will prevent you from registering the name and indicate that the name is not so unique!
To confirm name availability, in the state of Florida complete the following steps:
Submission Instructions
Upload the following document:
screenshot of the search results page on the website