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Hospitality law | Law homework help

Prompts – Answer ALL of the following three prompts:
1. Describe the differences between a statute, ordinance, and regulation. Find one example online of a recent statute that is related to the hospitality industry. Discuss and describe the purpose and scope of the legislation. This prompt requires you to do some online research, use current/credible references and describe the information in your own words with no direct quotes.

2. Identify one setting in hospitality (for example a hotel or restaurant) and a specific problem that needs to be solved. Discuss how a manager could use the STEM process to address the problem and reduce liability for an organization. Use specific details from the chapter in your own words throughout your response.

3. Provide an example of an ethical dilemma faced by a manager in hospitality. Work through the ethical decision making process from Chapter 1 to resolve the ethical dilemma, providing analysis for each of the 7-steps. Use specific details from the chapter in your own words throughout your response.


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