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Forensic Analysis | Law homework help

Police discover a badly decomposed body buried in an area where a man disappeared some years ago.  The case was never solved, nor was the victim’s body ever recovered.  As the lead investigator, you suspect the body is that of the missing victim.  What is your main challenge in using DNA to determine whether it is or is not? How would you go about using DNA technology to test your theory?

Define antigens, antibodies, antiserum, and agglutination.

Describe the Luminol, microcrystalline, and precipitin tests for blood.

Semen is determined by two tests.  List them and explain each in detail.

Describe the physical evidence to be collected from a rape victim examination and how it is to be collected.  Who is to collect this evidence?

Briefly describe what DNA is and its structure. What are the restrictions on base pairings?


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