Research Paper Assignment Instructions
The Research Paper Assignment is a formal, graduate-level paper of at least 7 pages on the topic of non-verbal communication.
The student will write a research paper consisting of the following topics:
- Introduction
- Body of research on non-verbal communication
- The effects of non-verbal communication during a crucial conversation
- The effects of non-verbal communication when negotiating
- Non-verbal communication in the Bible (i.e. bowing low, laying of hands, gesturing, tearing of garments, praising with hands raised, lifting eyes toward heaven when praying, kneeling, etc.)
- Conclusion
Required Elements
The body of the Research Paper Assignment, not counting the title page and references, must be at least seven complete pages of typed narrative prose using APA Professional Version standards. A Table of Contents is required following the title page.
The proposal must contain the following required elements:
- Introduction: A comprehensive, scholarly introduction of the topic including a clear thesis statement and overview of the content, supported by in-text citations.
- Body of research on non-verbal communication: A comprehensive, scholarly review of the current literature on the topic of non-verbal communication. Consider this a mini-literature review on the topic of non-verbal communication. The content must be organized under Level 1 headings and supported by in-text citations.
- The effects of non-verbal communication during a crucial conversation: After reviewing the body of research in the previous section, describe the effects of non-verbal communication during a crucial conversation. How can non-verbal communication be incorporated when having a crucial conversation? The Crucial Conversations text must be cited a minimum of one time in this section.
- The effects of non-verbal communication when negotiating: After reviewing the body of research in the previous section, describe the effects of non-verbal communication when negotiating. How can non-verbal communication be incorporated when negotiating? The Essentials of Negotiation text must be cited a minimum of one time in this section.
- Non-verbal communication in the Bible (i.e. bowing low, laying of hands, gesturing, tearing of garments, praising with hands raised, lifting eyes toward heaven when praying, kneeling, etc.). Describe the use of non-verbal communication in the Bible. What did the non-verbal communication convey? The Bible must be cited a minimum of one time in this section.
- Conclusion: A comprehensive, scholarly conclusion to the proposal, including a summary of the issues treated in the paper and suggestions for further study, supported by in-text citations. A Level 1 heading is required.
The statements made in the Research Paper Assignment must be supported by six peer-reviewed journals, both course texts, and the Bible.
MS Word files only. The Research Paper Assignment must meet the standards of the current edition of the APA manual for in-text citations, references, headings, grammar, spelling, and mechanics.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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