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Servant leadership | Human Resource Management homework help

This task requires you to demonstrate your commitment to professional development and performance improvement. To complete the task, you are asked to undertake some reflection, self-assessment, and consideration of other’s feedback, leading to an identification of your strengths, weaknesses, and development areas. Following this identification, you will formulate a range of formal and/or informal activities to address your development needs and support your continuous development.

Wordcount :1,000 (+/- 10%)

References: Havard Style

2 References each AC- 5 ACs in total. 200 words per AC.

Jargon-free language, easy to read and understand. Try to include real-life examples when required about organizations and employees.

Please focus on the Blue highlighted table to understand what needs to be included in each AC. Hints are provided in the last table.


Professional Behaviour and Valuing People: Learner Assignment Guidance

Rev October 2023

TASK TWO Reflect on your own approach to working inclusively and building positive working relationships with others. (AC 2.3)

This question focuses on how you go about working inclusively and building positive relationships. Give at least two examples of your own approach/ methods to achieving this.

Reflect: think about and summarise your own approach and the methods you use to work inclusively and build positive relationships at work.

Approaches, for example valuing people as individuals and recognising the value and benefits of diversity; actively seeking and listening to diverse views and opinions; building trust and providing appropriate support when needed; finding opportunities to collaborate with wider colleagues; sharing knowledge and expertise to solve problems.

Explore how the role of a people professional (specialist or generalist) is evolving and the implications this has for your CPD. (AC 3.1)

There are two parts to this question:

1. Explore how the role is evolving – what is causing it to evolve; and

2. What this means for your own CPD; how it will impact the focus of your CPD

When answering AC 3.1, you can either focus on a generalist HR role or a specialist role such as L&D or Talent Acquisition, or, furthermore, you may wish to focus on the evolving nature of your own role.

Explore: research and provide a summary of how the people professional role is evolving and provide your conclusions on the implications for your CPD.

Emerging knowledge and skills required and the implications for CPD, for example business acumen, technology savvy, specialist expertise, work skills, collaborative working skills, remote working/working from home, self-management, communication skills.

With reference to your responses for AC 2.3 and AC 3.1, and feedback on your behaviours or performance obtained from (at least) one other person,

In order to answer this question, you should reflect on the discussions in AC 2.3 about working inclusively and building productive relationships at work

Assess: consider your own opinion and feedback from one other person in order to reach a judgement about your strengths and development needs.

People and contexts for gaining feedback, formal and informal feedback, regular and ad hoc feedback, feedback methods and

5C 003: Professional Behaviour and Valuing People: Learner Assignment Guidance

Rev October 2023

assess your current strengths, weaknesses, and development needs. Your response should include an explanation of the feedback received and how it has informed your self- assessment. (AC 3.2)

and 3.1 which talks about the evolving role of the people professional and what that might mean for your CPD. You need to do this as a self-assessment but you should also incorporate at least one other person’s feedback on your strengths and weaknesses / development needs.

media, feedback as incoming information, triangulation of received feedback, relevance and importance of feedback, how to structure feedback, self- assessment methods and relevant frameworks to assess against. Bias issues in self-assessment and others’ feedback. Utilising the CIPD Profession Map.

In follow-up to your self- assessment, identify a range of formal or informal development activities you will undertake to support your ongoing professional development. Your response should include a brief description of your chosen activities and your reasons for selecting them. (AC 3.3)

There are three parts to this question:

1. Identify a range (at least 3 formal or informal development activities to support your ongoing development; and

2. Provide a brief description of the activity; and

3. Give your reasons for selecting those activities.

Identify: to provide an answer that arrives at a minimum of 3 learning and development activities.

CPD models and theory, CIPD and other sector and professional requirements for CPD, for example formal and informal, self-directed learning, coaching, mentoring, work, applying learning as appropriate, shadowing, skills practice, investigation and research, reading, blogs, webcasts, videos, social media discussions and forums, conferences, training courses, on- job and off-job learning, characteristics of a good-practice CPD plan, how to complete a CPD plan.

Reflect on the impact of three previous learning activities (i.e., not the activities planned at Q4 above) on your behaviour and performance. The selected activities may be any formal/planned or informal/unplanned activities

To answer this question you may present your reflections, attached to your assignment, as either:

• your own format CPD record, edited to include just the three selected activities, or

Reflect: think about and summarise how the three learning activities impacted on your behaviour and performance at work.

Concept and theory of reflective practice, outputs of reflection (for example, records, plans), evaluating/measuring behaviour changes, evaluating/measuring performance changes, checking changes are positive and meet

5C 003: Professional Behaviour and Valuing People: Learner Assignment Guidance

Rev October 2023

undertaken in the last 12 months, which you consider to have impacted your behaviour and performance. (AC 3.4)

• a report (or reports) from the CIPD ‘My CPD Reflections’ tool.

intended outcomes, impact on own performance and behaviour.


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