Research Historical Sites in Iraq, especially Ashur and surrounding Sites
Your research paper will be based on a significant research question with sections for the background, data, and analysis around the paper’s topic.
Research papers will be about 4,000-5,000 words. Altogether your paper will be about 20 pages, double spaced, including a cover page, body of text, tables, maps, figures, references, and any footnotes.
Written work is graded with attention to depth, breadth, clarity, creativity, and examples. In other words, given the parameters of written assignments, write with attention to appropriate depth of ideas for your topic, with choosing appropriate breadth of points you can cover, and write with clarity of thought and grammar. Your writings should always aim for some lively creativity and showcase examples to highlight your topic or main points. Avoid unnecessary wordiness and spoken idioms!
Essays can be organized around an key research question or, alternatively, they may be organized around a falsifiable argument. These are common strategies as in “In this essay, I argue that…, However, you do not need to present your essay as a key question or argument if your topic is better presented in another format.
Evaluation Rubric
Depth expresses a knowledge of the topic’s material to the extent expected for the course lectures and readings. This is important as it shows the reader that you have spent time and thought on the essay’s content. 20%
Breadth expresses an understanding of the various facets and parts of the essay question, and that each area is given consideration in your essay. 20%
Clarity expresses your clear thinking of the question with clear sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, and ability to form correct paragraphs. 20%
Creativity involves writing your response with a certain passion, interest, and unique view that is yours alone and not simply a reflection of the text or lectures. Creative writing is a style, though not a fictional or an unrealistic projection of your hopes or beliefs. 20% Make Sure All research Articles are scholarly
Requirements: 4000 words
for the research, please only use google scholarly articles
Here is the outline…
Here is the list of sites you need to write about, the main one should be Ashur and then you can touch upon the others