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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) | Business & Finance homework help

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Discuss your company’s approach to CSR. Identify what CSR approach you believe they would identify themselves as being. Don’t be conclusory, support your position with research and analysis. Marketing: Analyze your company’s approach to marketing. Be sure to provide factually-supported analysis for each of the “four Ps.
English Question
Final Paper/Creative Project

You have the option to either write a traditional academic paper for this class, or to do a creative project that somehow puts you in conversation with the course texts and themes. Your proposal for your final is due Wednesday of Week 9, in lieu of a weekly writing assignment.

Paper Option: An academic research paper of 8-10 pages (double-spaced, MLA format)

which cites at least 3 scholarly sources in addition to at least 1 course text. For this paper, you will choose a specific topic upon which to focus your research and analysis. You may choose to expand on one of your ideas from your weekly writing assignments, or you may choose a new topic altogether.


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