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Art intellectual and historical changes | Art/Design homework help

Art Question

Using at least four artworks analyzed in Unit 2 of this course, identify the aesthetic / artistic / historical connections between each these artworks (as a group) and between each artwork and its unique social/historical context. Use both Western and Non-Western examples.

– Use an underlined Toulmin thesis statement to compose a two-page essay (normal size & spacing) that demonstrates an understanding of the intellectual and historical changes that have taken place in the development of world art[GECC2] during the covered time period in this section of the course. Support your analysis with additional art works analyzed in the course. College-level writing is expected [GECC1].
– To receive credit, each supporting example should be clearly and completely identified with: title, date, artist, culture, & medium. It best to AVOID a chronological approach.

Requirements: 2-3 pages or 1000 words


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