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Agency / organization | Human Resource Management homework help

Public security organization

The assignment shall be submitted in APA format and be a minimum of five pages (cover, three pages of text, references).

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Here’s more info about the topic and requirements:

Find a law enforcement agency or public security organization for which you would consider working.

For that employer:

1) what is the agency / organization – describe it in detail (public / private; if government, at what level of government; what responsibilities and duties does this employer fulfill; does the employer have the fiscal resources to fulfill those duties and what is their source of funding; do they work with other agencies / organizations to achieve their mission; etc.); what is the mission statement of the agency / organization; how many employees does this agency normally have?

2) identify the entry level position that you would seek with this employer

2) what are the requirements of the position?

physical (requirements for entry into either the position or any training academy / program)
educational (minimum education for new employees into this position)
is there any civil service or other entry examination requirement
any other related barriers and criteria (race, gender, religion, experience, knowedge, citizenship, residence, etc.)

The idea of the assignment is that you understand the scope and role of the agency / organization and critically assess your eligibility and ability to seek this position during or after your college education.

The assignment shall be submitted in APA format and be a minimum of five pages (cover, three pages of text, references).


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