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Cybersecurity | Information Systems homework help

In this assignment, you assume the role of an employee of the DigiFirm Investigation Company. DigiFirm experienced strong profits last quarter and is interested in adding network traffic analysis tools to its lab. You have been asked to research sniffers and other network analysis tools.

There are several sniffers and other tools available for traffic analysis, including:

Tcpdump and WinDump

You must research these products, and then write a proposal in which you describe the tools’ capabilities and recommend two products to be added to DigiFirm’s lab, and you must justify your recommendations.


For this assignment, you are to:

Research these sniffers and other tools available for traffic analysis, compare the capabilities and, write a professional proposal in which you recommend two products for use in the DigiFirm Lab, and justify your recommendation.
Your proposal should be at 3-5 pages in length.Be sure your report adheres to the University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate.


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