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Contract law | Law homework help

Biblical worldview perspective

Write a paper from a biblical worldview perspective that develops on the legal concepts of (1) the elements of a contract and how contracts differ from the biblical covenant; and (2) responsibility and how Christians should fulfill business obligations.

Compose the research paper in accordance with APA standards and cite a minimum of six (6) scholarly peer reviewed sources as references, as well as multiple biblical references (word count range 1400-1600 words).

Make sure you write a paper rather than merely discuss miscellaneous topics (your information needs to flow with an introduction, a roadmap, and a conclusion);
Make sure you discuss legal topics and include biblical perspectives on the principles (not only one or the other);
Try to write in active voice rather than passive;
Try to write without using the word “it” (you do not need “it”); and

Essay & (Research) Paper Grading Rubric
Dimension Criteria Weight Score
1.Conceptual Understanding & Critical Thinking The essay/paper directly addresses the assigned topic and provides a thoughtful answer to each question demonstrating critical thinking and a sound understanding of the issues. 30% 30
2.Integration of Scripture and additional Text/ Resources Writing is supported with Scripture as well as with course text and unassigned materials (at least 1 external resource in essays, 2 in papers and 3 in research papers). 15% 15
3. Application/ Personal Experience The essay/paper provides integration and application of course theories and principles and relates to personal experience when appropriate. 15% 15
4. Innovation/ originality The essay/paper demonstrates original innovative ideas and insights. 10% 10
5. Organization The essay/paper is well-organized, including cover and reference pages, an introduction, summary, smooth transitions between topics, and logically developed paragraphs. 10% 10
6. Grammar/ Writing Style The essay/paper employs correct English grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and appropriate word choices. In-text and after-text references are documented appropriately using APA style. 10% 10
7. Length The essay/paper is the appropriate length, within the specified range.


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