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Mental health care | Health & Medical homework help

Write a research report outlining the top five strategies for enhancing mental wellness.Mental health care is often initiated in the primary care setting. Screenings are a critical part of identifying clients who may require psychiatric care. Carefully read the questions below and address each in your initial post.
Application  of  Course  Knowledge
Identify your clinical practicum setting (primary care clinic) and a population that you typically see (adults).
Discuss mental health screening tools used at your clinical site. If no screening tools are currently used, which ones would you recommend?
Describe the quality of the mental health care you have observed. Discuss disparities or biases, if any, in the care provided to different members of the population.
Screening opportunities are often missed in vulnerable populations and those with limited access to care. Describe at least TWO changes you recommend in your practice setting and community to increase the frequency of mental health screenings within vulnerable populations.


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