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Improving the performance of your organization’s talent pool | Human resource planning homework help

Put yourself in the role of an HR director or I/O psychologist preparing a program for improving the performance of your organization’s talent pool. Let’s start by conducting a scavenger hunt to gather critical concepts you will need to teach to HR staff and organizational managers.

Scan the course materials to define critical personnel psychology concepts, then explain how each concept can or could apply to your organization. Your primary objective will be to gather concepts to help line managers understand how to use personnel psychology for building a high-performance workplace. This exercise will also help you gather building blocks for subsequent assignments.


Please refer to and complete the Personnel Psychology Concepts and Applications Assignment and Worksheet for this assignment.

Find the concept in the course readings and materials.

Provide a brief definition or explanation of the concept in your own words in the “Definition” column.

Explain how that concept applies or can be applied in the workplace in the “Application” column.

Cite the source in the “Cite” column.

Provide references in the “References” section.

Delete the instructions.

Submit your completed worksheet.


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