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Consumers behave on social media | Marketing homework help

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Social Media Marketing in the News Analysis NEW

Research news media stories and articles on social media.

Identify two news stories or articles that illustrate how consumers behave on social media and how marketers have responded to that behavior.

Cite both articles at the beginning of your paper according to APA formatting guidelines.

Summarize the stories or articles in a 350- to 525-word paper, and include the following:

  • Identify the target audience.
  • Analyze the behavior event or opportunity that triggered the plan.
  • Assess whether the marketer’s solution met the needs of the target audience.
  • Identify the desired outcome.
  • Determine what social media strategies and tactics were used, and assess whether or not these strategies and tactics were successful.

Compare the two stories.  What are the commonalities?  How do they differ?

Format your sources according to APA guidelines.


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