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Designing a Customer-Centric Organization | Human resource planning homework help

Strategic planning methods
Identify two strategic planning methods and describe what the methods are, and in what type of situations would you utilize those models. Also, research and describe when someone else has found success utilizing those methods. What were their working situations before implementing their chosen methods? What were their outcomes after implementation of their methods?

Textbook Readings

Designing a Customer-Centric Organization. J. Galbraith. Chapters 7 and 8 (pages 145-172)


Overcoming Resistance to Change – Isn’t It Obvious? (Links to an external site.)

PowerPoint Presentation

Organization Change by Systems ThinkingPreview the document: This PowerPoint presentation walks you through different organizational change strategies. This will be helpful for your Mini Assignment this week and your Final Paper.


Managing Organizational Change (Links to an external site.)

Learning Module

Systems Thinking on the Job (Links to an external site.): This module summarizes a number of key ideas and provides pointers about how you can be most successful using these tools with others.


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