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Mass Communication Theories | Mass communication homework help

Mass Communication Theories
Write a 2 pages paper = 600 words (2 pages of content = 600 words, 1 title page, 1 reference page) in APA format (including at least 2 scholarly references) on the following:

Discuss the mass media impacts that are related to your chosen product and the advertising campaign. Examine the campaign from at least 2 theories, research approaches, or perspectives. Also, include responses to the following questions in your discussion:
How is the product perceived?
How do individuals respond to the campaign?
What are the anticipated consequences of the campaign, if any?

.doc file

This is the continuation of the previous Individual Project UNIT 1 about Nike you wrote. (I’m attaching it so you can remember) We need to stick with Nike and write the 2 pages about those questions above. The instructor’s notes (below) are the following for the research. Thank you so much.


Helpful Information: Mass Communication Theories (Needed for the Unit 2 IP)

Mass Media Communication Theories/Research Approaches/Perspectives:

Different Media Theories Used in Mass Communication

Remember, this week you are to analyze your product advertisement in the Unit 2 IP from 2 theories/approaches/perspectives. Please reference the link above that compliments what we reviewed during our live chat (e.g., Magic Bullet Theory, Agenda Setting Theory, Framing Theory, etc).

Mass Media:

Mass Media Effects
Mass Media Consequences

Learning Material:

Influence & Persuasion: Crash Course Media Literacy #6

The Best Digital Advertising Trends of 2018


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