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Neoclassical Economics | Economics homework help

Field of economics
Select an economist from the Noted Economists found in the Lessons Tab. (I will send the list once assigned)

Write a 500 to 1000 word paper using at least three outside sources in APA style format. The paper should include brief background on the economist, their school of thought, and their contributions to the field of economics. This paper is submitted via SafeAssign to analyze originality of content.

Be sure throughout to use in-text citations, placing the following at the end of the sentence where you paraphrase a source:

(Author’s Last Name, Year of Publication, Page # if direct quote)

If it’s a general webpage:

(webpage title, web site) ex. (Adam Smith, Wikipedia)

Also include a reference section.

.doc file | APA | Research Paper | 2 pages, Double spaced

Neoclassical School of Thought

Name: Alfred Marshall

Lifetime: 26 July 1842 – 13 July 1924

Nationality: British

School of Thought: Neoclassical Economics

Major Contributions / Notable Ideas: Development of modern supply and demand graphs.

Major Works: Principles of Economics (1890)


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