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Dehumanization of Jews | History homework help

Dehumanization is the process by which the Nazis gradually reduced the Jews to little more than “things” which were a nuisance to them. How did the Nazis dehumanize the Jews during the Holocaust?

Format Requirements:

• 12-point font. Times New Roman. Double-spaced.

• 6-7 pages in length.

• You must have a properly formatted thesis

Arrange you work by use of subheadings

• This is a multi-paragraph essay. In the intro give a hook (remember this can be a quote or a statistic or anything that grabs the reader). Also, state the name of the author and give a very brief (2-3 sentences) summary of the text (this can be the first paragraph after the introduction)

• In this essay write in the third person avoid: I, me, my, our, us, we, our, you, your, you’re

• Do no use contractions: don’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t, Shouldn’t etc.?

• You must include at least one quotation from Night

• You must have at least two outside sources other than Night as well ( This means a total of three sources and they must be academic and scholarly). MUST BE FROM A DATABASE: THE FOLLOWING ARE ALLOWED JSTOR, PROQUEST, AND EBSCOHOST.


• You must follow the conventions of an analytical paragraph for each body paragraph.

• Conclusion: Be sure to “take this into the world.” What is the impact/implications on you/society? SO, WHAT FACTOR

.doc file | MLA | Argumentative Essay | 6 pages, Double spaced


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