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Electrical and electronic technology in automobiles | Information technology homework help

Automobile technology
Technology can be defined as the application of scientific knowledge for practical, industrious purposes. The technological innovations most important in the automotive industry are safety, economy, performance, comfort or enjoyment, and convenience.

For this assignment, you will focus on electrical and electronic technology in automobiles. In a presentation, you will identify your most desirable electric or electronic technology in each of these categories: safety, economy, performance, and comfort/convenience.

Create a presentation your response.
Use APA format for your references.

Step 1. Research
Investigate and research automobile technological features available on current new-model cars in each of these four categories:

Comfort/convenience/overall cabin experience

Technological features studied must include some sort of electrical or electronic component or control.

Step 2. Select
Select one preferred automobile technological feature for each category.

Step 3. Justify
Write a brief rationale for each of your selections.

Step 4. Relate
Write a brief summary of physics concepts related to each selection.

Step 5. Evaluate
Write a concluding paragraph about the importance of technology in today’s automotive industry.

Step 6. Create
Create a slide presentation incorporating your work from Steps 1-5. Include talking points or a script in the Notes section for each slide (not necessary for a video presentation). Include a title, introduction, conclusion, and references in the presentation.

The assignment this week focuses on safety, economy, performance and comfort of a vehicle. You will be researching these technological features of an automobile and presenting your findings. You will find several resources within the module that will help. Don’t forget to do your own research and include references both within and outside of the module. At minimum, you should submit a presentation as outlined in the assignment and a word document outlining steps 3, 4 and 5.

Here (Links to an external site.) is an article that goes over some tips on making effective PowerPoint presentations. Remember that the point of a slide presentation is to display visual aids that support the points you are trying to make. Try to limit your text and instead present figures that enhance your presentation. Do not forget to cite any images that you did not create yourself. With the assignment, you will also turn in a script. The assignment asks you to place your script in the notes section for each slide. The notes section does not show up in Speedgrader so instead of doing this, I would prefer one of the following options:

Submit a video of you presenting your assignment. Make sure you also upload the presentation so I can make comments.
Alternate slides. Following each presentation slide, include a text slide that contains your script for the previous slide. Make it clear what slide is designed for presenting and what slide is meant as a script.
Submit a text document with your script. Clearly indicate what slide each section highlights.
If you must use the Notes section for your script, please make a comment in the assignment submission page stating where your script is located.

Remember to use proper APA 7th edition formatting for all your references. The same rules apply to a presentation as a paper. Within the presentation, use in-text citation rules. Include full citations at the end, on a reference slide. Remember, that every reference that is listed on the reference slide should have a corresponding in-text citation within the presentation.


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