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Childhood attachment | Psychology homework help

Childhood attachment



Read pages 131-134 in Chapter 5 of your text and research other sources on Attachment Theory.

What do you think is your own attachment style? (Please give reasons)
Why you think this is your attachment style?
Describe how your attachment style likely impacts your relationships with others based on your reading and resources.
Why do your think your attachment style impacts your relationships in the way it does?
How can having insight into attachment styles help a person with their future relationships?
What insights have you gained?

2. Your initial post (your response to the topic) must contain a citation. It is your ideas supported by research. Please refer to the APA Power Point in the Start Here section of the classroom for information on proper formatting. There will be a deduction of 20 points for failure to cite a source within your initial post and to provide a reference at the end of your initial post.

3. Your initial post must be a minimum of 300


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