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Explain the process of evaluating | Health & Medical homework help

Write a two-page paper to explain the process of evaluating the proposed practice change as part of the intervention.
1 Identifies two instruments that are appropriate for determining the effectiveness of a specific intervention and explains why they are appropriate.
2 Explains the nature of two instruments, including inventor, creator, or company; the construct it measures; what units or scales are used; and how validity and reliability were determined. Cites the sources for the instruments appropriately.
3 Identifies the best literature where the instruments have been used including the results of the studies.
4 Explains how studies with research objectives similar to a specific project have used instruments the same as, or similar to, the two selected instruments. Describes how the studies differ and are similar to the study in the project for this course.
5 Writes introduction and closing paragraphs to provide professional level organization for the paper.
6 Writes in the third person, using a consistent and deliberate tone that is fine-tuned to the audience and occasion.

Paper Format: APA


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