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“Peer Reviewed Publication” | Health & Medical homework help

Read and watch the following resources from the University Library to prepare for this discussion:

“Peer Reviewed Publication”
“What is a Peer-Reviewed Journal?”
“How Do I Locate a Peer-Reviewed Journal?”

After a researcher has completed a research study, they will likely publish a report so professionals in the field can benefit from their findings. Before a report is widely available to the public, a scholarly evaluation of the research is conducted through a peer-review process.

Reflect on the peer-review process and why it is highly valued in the scientific community as you discuss the following with the class:

What is the peer-review process and what is its significance in the publishing phase of a research study?
Why should the public care if a research study has been peer reviewed?
Why is it important for students like you to reference peer-reviewed journals when completing assignments in an academic program?
This week you learned about various types of statistical tests. What are the benefits of having peer reviewers evaluate the results of statistical tests in a research study?
How might referencing peer-reviewed journals help you in your criminal justice career?

Cite at least 1 scholarly source


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