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Intelligence: Street Smarts | Psychology homework help

Intelligence: Street Smarts
Based on Cultural Explorations of Human Intelligence Around the World, consider theories of intelligence. https://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/orpc/vol4/iss3/1/

To complete this activity,

Choose a famous person (or fictional character) who you believe epitomizes successful intelligence as outlined in the textbook and assigned readings.
Illustrate why you believe this person demonstrates successful intelligence through specific characteristics or behaviors (at least three) that support your selection with regard to analytical, creative, and practical abilities. Also consider other perspectives on intelligence, such as multiple intelligences.
Explain how both nature and nurture (including social and cultural factors) may have played a role in the development of this individual’s intelligence.
Predict whether this person would do well on a standard intelligence test, based on what you have read, providing rationales.
To fully demonstrate content knowledge and critical thinking, the Learning and Intelligence discussion must

Appraise course concepts explicitly, applying them to your personal experiences/observations, and cite the required readings as appropriate.
Be thorough and specific, structuring your work intentionally (with an introductory and concluding sentence or two), providing clear context, and concisely and precisely explaining relevant course concepts.
Use personal examples to illustrate as appropriate, but do be sure to provide an objective analysis too, referencing required materials and using additional credible sources as needed to support your insight.
Use your own Academic Voice and apply in-text citations appropriately throughout your post.
Your original post should be a minimum of 300 words.

Paper Format: APA


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