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Communication Law Across Cultures Assignment | Get Paper Help

With this assignment, is to compare the U.S. approach to a very particular area of law – online hate speech, broadcast television regulations, libel, etc. – to another country’s approach to dealing with that same issue. Using relevant statutes, case law, and research done by legal and communication scholars, you will provide a complete picture of how the area of law you have selected is treated in each of the two countries you’re examining. You will conclude this effort by discussing your own stance on the issue.

If you have not already settled in on a topic and a thesis, some interesting general areas to explore could be: different conceptions of common law (India, the world’s biggest democracy, is an interesting area); civil or “tort” law (France – instrumental in founding European Union is an interesting area); socialist law (China – the country with, until lately, the highest economic growth and largest population); Islamist law (Saudi Arabia – a country with a defined sense of legal religiosity). The above constitute broad areas to investigate specific communication law topics.

The parameters for the paper:

6 pages minimum to 8 pages maximum (excluding title page and references
1” margins and a 12 pt. font (12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Georgia, or 10-point Computer Modern)
Utilize at least 3 scholarly sources. Do not use the textbook as a source for your paper.
Have a clearly identified thesis statement within the first paragraph of your paper. The aims of your argument/investigation should be clear
Utilize sub-headings for major sections and ideas within your paper.
Check the paper for grammar and spelling errors. The paper should be virtually free of these errors.


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