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Responses of Police to Crime I Assignment | Get Paper Help


ajs200-lesson 3-Responses of Police to Crime I ajs 200 instructions When using APA Writing Style format, you must use paragraph topic titles and sub-topic titles (bolded) as required *use topic titles, a paragraph entitled “Conclusion *Remember to center your bolded paragraph titles. Only sub-paragraphs of main paragraphs are seated at the left margin *you must include at least three resources to validate your research. Remember to deactivate hyperlinks in your resource list. Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: Describe contemporary police strategies for responding to crime. Analyze traditional police strategies and problem-oriented policing. Explain the key factors common to each agency described in the “Reducing Crime Through Intelligence-Led Policing” article. Explain community-based policing and its importance in today’s society. In this lesson, you will examine the many changes occurring in America that have affected and that continue to affect policing. Think about the following questions as you proceed: What kind of country do you live in? Where is society headed? Have conventional policing methods of the past been effective, and are they sufficient for the future trends that the United States will face? How should police departments prepare for examining the basic causes of neighborhood breakdown? Essay Assignment – Responses of Police to Crime I Recent events around the country have tested the relationship between the community and local law enforcement. Using resources from the lesson and outside resources from the Rio Library, research a specific incident, examine the issue, gather necessary data on the issue, and propose solutions using community policing and problem-oriented policing concepts.ajs200-3


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