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Application of Benner’s Theory to Nursing Practice Assignment | Get Paper Help


Topic: Application of Benner’s theory to nursing practice Body Make sure you have addressed all of the following items: – Provide an outline of Benner’s theory, for example: o Why Benner developed this theory? o The theory was based on which model? o What is Benner’s philosophy? – Describe the five stages of clinical competence and how nurses transition through to become an expert o Describe each stage in detail – Explain the terms ‘advanced practice’ – Identify the functions of a novice versus an advanced nurse – Relate Benner’s theory to the NMBA standards of practice o https://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/codes-guidelinesstatements/professional-standards/registered-nurse-standards-for-practice.aspx – Select at least 10 literature to support your arguments – All references are preferably within the recent 10 years, except about the interpretation of Benner’s model – Pay attention to APA referencing – Both 6th ed. and 7th ed. of APA referencing would be accepted o Major differences between them: https://www.scribbr.com/apa-style/apa-seventhedition-changes/ – Use Times New Roman, font size 12 – Use headings to facilitate understanding o The first level heading is centered (align centre), bold. The first word and each noun, verb and adjective in the heading should begin with a capital letter (title case) o The second level heading is aligned left, but otherwise the same as the first.For your reference only! You may develop your own ideas! 2 o If a third level heading is used, it is indented one inch (2.54cm) and has a capital letter only for the first word but is otherwise the same – Give your essay a descriptive title – The running head is a shortened version of your title Conclusion – Summarise the key points of the essay


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