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Collaboration Assignment | Essay Help Services


Legal Entanglement

The purpose of the Analysis: is for candidates to present the suggested amended or created policy (determined from Part 1: Analysis – Moral and Legal Issues) to select families, caregivers, colleagues, supervisors/administrators, and students (i.e., stakeholders). In 3-5 pages, candidates will write a paper to gain the stakeholders’ perspectives and collaborate with them about the proposed topic for the Legal Entanglement Project. Should edits be needed to the topic, the candidate and stakeholders will discuss how to edit during this part of the project. Furthermore, candidates will include in their paper relevant data surrounding the topic to show the need for policy amendment. Candidates should use school-specific data related to the topic, but if the data is unavailable, he/she can broaden the data to include state or national data on the topic. The candidate will be sure to correct the feedback from the last assignment as he/she continues working towards the final project (Part 7). This collaborative effort is a crucial component of the final presentation and will require candidates to talk to people, parents, faculty, etc., within his/her selected school; please note this does not mean using research studies but rather having conversations with actual stakeholders. This is a required portion of the final presentation, so please take the time to make connections within the placement or selected school. The candidate will also include relevant data surrounding the topic to show the need for policy change, creation, or amendment. The data portion should include actual data from the candidate’s school/topic (i.e., demographics, data on the topic, data shared from stakeholders, data on school referrals surrounding the topic, etc.). It will strengthen the topic to identify rate of occurrence in the candidate’s school, as well as state/national data on the issue. If you are currently a school employee, you will use your school colleagues for the analysis. If you are not currently working in a school or if you do not have connections, you will reach out to stakeholders who have connections within the schools (i.e., parents who have children in school, friends who are teachers, etc.). It might be helpful to use the rubric components (Analyzes Data, Analyzes the Policy, and Analyzes the Focal Groups) as headings in the submitted assignment to make sure components are not overlooked. The page length for this portion is 3–5 pages. Be sure to include a title page and reference page that adheres to APA formatting.


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