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The Harlem Renaissance Luani of the Jungles Assignment | Online Assignment

Read: • Select a short story, or piece of fiction from our readings to analyze using a literary theory as a theoretical frame. Write: • 4-6 page essay analyzing a text/texts using a literary theory to frame your questions. o This can critically analyze any craft aspects of fiction: ▪ Point of View/Narrator ▪ Theme ▪ Plot ▪ Character ▪ Setting ▪ Symbolism ▪ Writing Style Purpose: • Complete a close reading for a text/texts we’ve read for analytical writing about literature, use critical lens and engage with fiction “tools” for analysis Possible Topics: • Analyzing the form, shape of the story o Is the story moving from problem to solution o What shape is the story taking on the page, and how does this effect what the author is trying to accomplish • Analyzing the character(s) of the story o Analyze the characterization (weak or strong) o What are the characters trying to accomplish o Who is the speaker, who is the girl, what is their relationship • Analyzing something “original” about the story o What the story is trying to accomplish, the theme o What the story is “not” (think comparatively to other, stories) Formatting: Standard MLA • 1” Margins (all around) • Double Spaced, Indented Paragraphs • Centered Title • Proper Heading • Times New Roman, 12 pt. fontReport(1)


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