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School of Rock Case Study Assignment | Get Paper Help

Read the case on pp. 542 of the text. Review the following: writeonline. (n.d.). Case study report. Retrieved from http://writeonline.ca/casestudy.php?content=section1 Analyze the case, completing the list of questions. Write up your analysis in a 5-page paper and submit it to your professor. Layout: Cover page including basic student and class information Table of contents showing where key parts of the report can be found Executive summary of the key recommendations and points of the report Introduction to the report and identification of the focal problem being faced Analysis of the problem and application of course/program content Decision criteria and possible alternatives for solving the problem Recommendation for solving the problem Implementation plan for executing the recommendation and ensuring its success Exhibits that help to elaborate upon the content included in the report Reference list of any sources that were used at any point in the case study projectSchool of Rock case


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