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Causes and Consequences of the Civil War Assignment | College Homework Help

Describe the causes and consequences of the Civil War. You must type your essay and must: have your first and last name in the upper left-hand corner have page numbers in the upper right-hand corner use footnotes or in-text citation to cite both lecture and the readings (at least 2 citations from each) no direct quotations allowed do not use any outside sources (nothing from the internet!) be between five and six pages have 1” margins use 12pt Times New Roman or 11pt Calibri font be double spaced with no additional spacing before or after the paragraphs be uploaded to Canvas as a .doc or .docx file BEFORE the start of the final, 6:50 pm, 5/18 no hard copies necessary – rubric and comments will be on Canvas Look over the rubric on the Canvas site to see how I will grade. If you take any piece of text from a source and do not place it within quotes with a citation: that constitutes plagiarism. If you are unsure if what you are doing constitutes plagiarism, it probably does. Please contact your professor if you want to make sure. on the file I attached is the grading criteria. 2 online citations only the other 2 lecture that says there you don’t have to do it. Reason, why is because i never took in class notes and thats where the other 2 citations had to come from. So literallty less work for you guys. so basically like the set up i put on the other file i uploadedThe Global Impact of the American Revolution


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