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A Study on how Foster Care can Cause Additional Trauma to a Child Assignment | Online Assignment

Prepare an empirically-based proposal in APA style (see NU APA Guide 2020.doc and the sample proposals located in the Blackboard Course Resources/Shared Documents) with guidance from your instructor. An empirical study is one in which data are collected and analyzed (e.g., interviews are conducted, a questionnaire is administered, observations of behavior are made, tests are given, studies are located). The proposal will have all or most of the following elements depending on the guidelines given by the instructor (see the sample proposals): o Title page o Table of contents o Abstract o Research proposition (e.g., purpose, theoretical foundation, research question, hypotheses) o Literature review o Method (e.g., participants, sampling plan, procedure, independent/dependent variables, research instruments) o Anticipated results o Discussion of likely results o Limitations to the study o Practical applications o Implications o Future directions o General conclusions o References o Tables o Figures o Appendices


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