Academic Integrity essentially refers to the code of ethics that applies to people who are part of the academic community. As students, you form a critical part of the academic community. By being a part of the community you are expected to follow the code of ethics (or rules) that apply to all members of the community. You are required to complete an essay on Academic Integrity which clearly shows what you learned in the Academic Integrity Workbook. The essay is required to be between 350- 500 words (references and title do not count towards word count); essays with less than 350 words will be marked as zero. Your essay should include: 1. An introduction on the topic of Academic Integrity, with a clear summary of what you have learned on Academic Integrity (1 marks). 2. Include the definition of plagiarism found in the U of R 2020-2021 Undergraduate Calendar. The definition must be cited properly, either using quotation marks or by paraphrasing (putting the definition in your own words). Correct in-text citation (2 marks): • 1 mark – Quotation marks are used correctly • 1 mark – Elements of the citation are in the correct location USE THIS LINK FOR THE DEFINITION 3. List and explain three to five strategies that you will use this semester to promote and maintain your academic integrity. The discussed strategies will ensure you will not plagiarize (3 marks). 4. Conclude your essay by explaining why maintaining academic integrity is important to you (2 marks) 5. Correctly format your reference page, following APA style referencing (2 marks) • If there are no errors, students will receive full marks • If there are 2 or less topic errors, students will receive 1 mark. • If there are more than 3 topic errors, students will receive 0 marks.Academic Integrity Essay INFO(1)