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Foundations of Evidence Based Practice Assignment | Get Paper Help


Requirements for Paper This is to be a 4-5 page paper MAXIMUM, (not including the title and reference page) in APA format (7th ed) answering the following questions. You do not need an abstract. 1. Identify a patient problem you have in you work setting. • What formal structures are in place to help address the problem? • What evidence is there for addressing and investigating the problem? • What barriers did you face in searching for evidence? • What databases did you access for evidence and why? (be specific). 2. Find a clinical practice guideline from a source that publishes guidelines, such as the American College of Cardiology CHF guidelines, that would be suitable for the problem you identified. (Google “patient guidelines_____” for the topic you choose. Give an overview of the guideline. Critically appraise the guideline using the AGREE II Instrument posted in the modulRubric Evidence Based Practice x • Criteria Total Possible Points: 25 o Clearly identifies a patient problem in the clinical setting. Scope of problem, implications of problem and goals in resolving problem.- 2 points o Clearly identifies formal structures in place to help address the problem. Includes department/service(s) key players. – 2 points o Clearly identifies the use of evidence in addressing the problem. -2 points o Identifies barriers in searching for evidence.- 2 points o Clearly identifies databases that were accessed in researching the problem.- 2 points o Identifies an appropriate Clinical Practice Guideline related to the patient problem. Identifies the specifics of the guideline. – 3 points o Critically appraises the clinical practice guideline using the AGREE II instrument provided in the assignment link. – 10 points o Paper is consistently written in APA format, 7th ed and falls within the 4-5 page limit not including title page and references. – 2 points e.


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